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New design: Limited Edition Eco-Friendly Coin Pouches

These are the most exclusive product I’ve made so far. The three coin pouches you see there are literally the whole batch, and I don’t have any more of the material. When they’re gone, they’re gone, so don’t miss out!

Why so few? Reclaimed material. Everything in these pouches, except the zipper, split ring, and thread, is salvaged from other projects. I feel very strongly about keeping as much stuff out of landfills as possible — especially useful stuff, like fabric — but the downside is that I can only make the size of batch that can be done out of the available fabric. No matter how much I like these pouches (a lot! the colors went together beautifully, after digging through the scrap bin!), I can’t make more: there just aren’t any more big enough pieces of the main lavender floral material.

Don’t despair: I’ll find more fabrics to pair up and make things out of eventually. But, if you like this one in particular, buy it before I run out!